About me

Mijn foto
I've changed my life around and now I am enjoying The Lighter Life. I love cooking and especially baking lovely desserts, but I wanna stay away from little no-no's like too much sugar and fat. I live in Belgium where the 'low-carb and low-fat movement' is just starting to begin so I found myself looking for recipes with easy to find ingredients and metric cooking measurements. Since they were hard to find, I decided to make my own! My desserts may never win beauty contests, for baking with bio ingredients will mostly give you flat cakes and pies. But lord will they win over your taste buds and still have you fitting into your skinny jeans. I invite you all to try out some recipes, adapt a couple where you see fit and above all, learn to enjoy the lovely taste of freshly baked, healthy goods.

dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

Almond cookies with chocolate


I can't write it any bigger without it being stupid but that is what makes these cookies so great. They are low in fat, yet very tasty and sturdy so you can take them along and enjoy them the entire day.

I was gonna take pictures, but then it got dark, and then  I forgot....and then I ate them all.
Woops :D


For the cookies:
200 gr ground almonds (almond flour)
100 gr icing sugar
1 tsp liquid honey
4 egg whites
A pinch of salt

For the chocolate:
4 egg yolks
1 tbsp liquid sweetener
2 tbsp no-added sugar cacao powder

Way to do it:

  1. We start with the cookies. Add the almond flour, honey and icing sugar in a bowl.
  2. With a fork, lightly wish 2 egg whites until the liquid turns white. Add it to the almonds and stir with a wooden spoon.
  3. Whisk the remaining 2 egg whites with a pinch of salt until you can turn the bowl upside down. Then add to the batter and gently fold it in.
  4. Line a baking tray with baking paper and evenly place out the dough. Mine are about a full tablespoon each. Bake for 10 minutes at 180degrees C.
  5. Now for the chocolate. Add all the ingredients to the 4 egg yolks and whisk. Let rest until the cookies come out.
  6. When the cookies have baked for 10 minutes, take them out and add a dollop of chocolate mixture to each cookie. The chocolate will run over the cookie making it look good but not 'too perfect'. I don't do pretty pretty, I do yummy yummy!
  7. Place the tray back into the oven and let bake for another 5 minutes. 
  8. When they are done, let them cool before you move them to a plate or stuff them into your mouth.


zondag 13 oktober 2013

Delicious Pizza without the guilt!

One of the best things out there...is pizza. Not only is it simply delicious, it's also fun to eat and share with friends. But it's also one of the worst thing out there when you're thinking of fat and calories. So therefore, my way of making a pizza which will leave you with a great dinner and none of the guilt.

You can always buy one of those ready-made crusts, but they do tend to cost a pretty penny, so why not make your own. I promise you, it's so easy and simple. I wouldn't add it to my blog if it wasn't!

Also...no yeast! I don't get yeast, never have. It's one of those ingredients you would buy one time, use like half of it, and then after a year, you throw it out when it becomes hard as rock and you need the fridge space.

So, I present you a simple pizza crust with no fuss but packing in taste, topped with delicious ingredients, all rolling in to a great dinner to enjoy with a good movie on series marathon.

Ingredients for 1 medium pizza:

for the crust
200 gr flour
pinch of baking powder
pinch of salt
pinch of garlic powder
pinch of dried basil
90ml water
extra: 1tbsp vegetable oil

for the pizza
a half yellow bell pepper
a half red union
3 tbsp tomato sauce
2 slices of chicken
A handful of grated cheese
extra: your favorite spices. I used Cajun and simple chicken spices

Way to do it:

  1. Add all dry ingredients for the crust in a bowl and mix with a spoon. Then add the water. You might not need all of it, so add as you knead and add some more of it's too dry. The dough shouldn't be too sticky but should have more of an elastic texture. Spread out on a baking tray lined with a baking sheet and flatten until you get a nice round pizza. Curl back the outsides a little to get that crunchy side crust.
  2. Drip some oil on the inside of the pizza and move it around. This will prevent the base getting soggy with the tomato sauce. Such a marvelous little trick.
  3. Then starts the fun part. The topping! I added half a yellow bell pepper, chopped into small cubes, half a red onion, chicken slices you would normally put on your sandwich but I cut them into little bits ass well and sprinkled them over the vegetables. Finally comes the cheese. Of course, the more cheese you add, the more high in fat it will become so cheese in moderation.
  4. I also topped with some herbs so give the pizza an extra little spicy kick.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven on 240degrees C for about 12 minutes. Or until the cheese is melted and the crust is crunchy.

To be honest, I'm actually kind of surprised at how good the base turned out. I was expecting a floppy crust, but it's was strong, crunchy and very yummy.

The good thing about making the crust yourself is that you can add flavor. I used garlic and basil, but you could also go with grated cheese, paprika powder, chilli or even sugar when you're going for a dessert.


woensdag 9 oktober 2013

Lemon Bars with Cream Cheese

Hi everyone.

I've been wanting to make lemon bars for so long, but I never found a recipe that ticked off all my criteria. For a recipe to be Stevie Friendly, it needs to be

- easy and no fuss
- not drenched in bad fat or loaded with sugar
- not take to long because you know I have no patience


- it must not make a mess of everything because I hate, hate, HATE doing dishes.

So, I simply decided to dive in, head first, and create my own lemon bars.
And I'm so happy I did.


For the base:
150 gr flour
100 gr soft coconut butter (normal butter is fine too)
A pinch of salt
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cold water
1 tsp lemon juice

For the filling:
3 tbsp low fat cream cheese
2 eggs
2 tbsp liquid sweetener
Juice of 1 lemon
100 gr flour

Way to do it:

  1. We start with the base. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and stir with a spoon to combine. Add the coconut butter and use your hands to 'melt' it into the mixture. It will become very crumbly and dry. Add the lemon juice and water and use that liquid to form a dough. Roll the dough into a ball, put it in cling foil and let rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Now we make the filling. Add the cream cheese, eggs, liquid sweetener and lemon juice into a bowl and whisk until combined. Add the flour and make sure there are no lumps left. It will be very liquid but don't worry, that way our crust will soak it all in. Leave it into the fridge until you are ready to use it.
  3. After the crust has rested for 30 minutes, take it out and line a baking tray with baking paper. Roll out the dough and bake in a pre-heated oven on 180degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes.
  4. Take the baking tray out and pour the filling over the crust. Bake again for another 10 minutes.
  5. Take out of the oven and let them cool before you cut them. Transfer to a plate and they are best if you keep them in the fridge.
And these people, are no fuss, no muss, deliciously low sugar Lemon Bars.

I must admit, you can't call these low in fat...compared to stuff you would buy in the store yes, but not to other stuff you can find on my website. However, I did use coconut butter and some sources say it's the 'healthiest' butter there is. But it's still butter off course, this isn't a perfect world :-(

It was my first time making these, so it's still a work in progress. Next time, I'm going to add some cacao powder to the base and I'll prob add some more lemon juice because in my opinion, they could be a little more sour.

Keep checking back for new recipes and let me know what you think.
