About me

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I've changed my life around and now I am enjoying The Lighter Life. I love cooking and especially baking lovely desserts, but I wanna stay away from little no-no's like too much sugar and fat. I live in Belgium where the 'low-carb and low-fat movement' is just starting to begin so I found myself looking for recipes with easy to find ingredients and metric cooking measurements. Since they were hard to find, I decided to make my own! My desserts may never win beauty contests, for baking with bio ingredients will mostly give you flat cakes and pies. But lord will they win over your taste buds and still have you fitting into your skinny jeans. I invite you all to try out some recipes, adapt a couple where you see fit and above all, learn to enjoy the lovely taste of freshly baked, healthy goods.

zondag 28 juli 2013

Blueberry crumble bars

Feast your eyes on this!

Doesn't it look wonderful? This, my sweet friends, is what happens when it's sunny and with bikini season at the back of your mind, you start craving something sweet. This recipe, although light in calories, isn't very light on the stomach so you only need a small piece to get filled up.

I got the original recipe here, but for added healthiness, I substituted most of the sugar by honey and sweetener. I also chose to use half white flour, half buckwheat, because the good nutrition of buckwheat strengthens the body and upps your immune system. Granted, there is some butter here and if I make new versions of this recipe, I'm going to try and cut down some of the butter. But for now, just marvel at their deliciousness.


100gr white sugar
2 teaspoons liquid sweetener
1 teaspoon baking powder
150gr white all-purpose flour
150gr buckwheat flour
200gr soft butter cut into small pieces
1 egg
a pinch of salt

400 to 500 gr fresh blueberries
1,5 tablespoons honey
50gr white all-purpose flour

Way to do it:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C and grease your baking pan. Use any which one you like. I used a big, round, spring form but if you wanna make bars, I would suggest a square one.
  2. In a big bowl (you need the extra space for the mixing) mix 150gr white four, 150gr buckwheat flour and baking powder. Add in the egg, liquid sweetener, salt and butter. Use your hands to knead the dough into a big ball. This could take some time but it's really worth it in the end.
  3. Take half of the dough and spread it out evenly into your prepared tin. Pad it down all the way to the sides.
  4. In a new bowl, sprinkle blueberry's with the honey and then add the flour. Turn the blueberry's over so that the honey and flour sticks to them. Then spread them out evenly over your batter.
  5. Take the remainder of the dough and cover up all the berry's. Again, take some time to cover all of them, basically sealing them in.
  6. Bake for 30mins at 200 degrees C and try to show restraint once the amazing smell of the baked fruit hits your nose.
  7. Take out of the oven when the top turns slightly brown and leave to cool before cutting into bars or squares, as you prefer. They keep best in the refrigerator and they are even better the next day.

You can also leave the cake/pie/bars, whatever you wanna call it, into it's original form and serve as a lovely summer alternative to fattening pies and cakes. The crust, once cooled, cuts well so you can serve a nice piece of pie and maybe even add some lime or lemon sorbet for the ultimate summer dessert!


woensdag 10 juli 2013

A recipe to enjoy at every time of the day

Hi everyone,

I don't really know what to call this cake, I just know that it's healthy, full of great fats and delicious at any time of the day. You can eat a slice as a little extra for breakfast, you can snack on it or you can enjoy this recipe with a cup of tea in the evening for when those late-night munchies have you running to the pantry.

If you're not a big fan of the 'nutty' taste of buckwheat, don't worry. The honey, apples and raisins make for a great coverup.


100 gr buckwheat flour
200 gr almond flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg
125 yogurt (I used alpro soy natural)
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sweetener
2 tbsp vegetable oil
A handful of dried raisins
1 apple, peeled and cut into small pieces

Way to do it:

  1. Add buckwheat, almond and baking powder in a bowl and mix it untill all dry ingredients are combined.
  2. Add egg and yogurt. Mix again. The batter will be crumbly at this point.
  3. Add the honey, sweetener and the oil. Mix again and by now, your butter will be thick and sticky.
  4. Fold in the apples and raisins with a spoon. Don't mix or you'll bruise the fruit.
  5. Take a round, spring-form baking-tin and grease it with oil. Let the excess oil drip out. Pour the batter into the thin and bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  6. Let cool before you take it out of the tin.
I hope you'll enjoy this recipe. It has more ingredients than I usually use but trust me, it's worth it.
Of course this recipe, just like my others, is very easy to make. No crazy cooking techniques, no long wait, just throw everything into a bowl and GO!

Forget bad fats and say hello to healthy fats from the vegetable oil, almond and yogurt.
Forget bad sugar and wave hi to good sugar from the raisins, honey and apples.


zondag 7 juli 2013

Soft serve banana and peanut butter ice cream

This one is a quick and easy way to deal with overripe banana's (which I sorta always seem to have) and to fulfill your cravings of ice cream on hot summer days. With 25 degrees outside (don't laugh, for Belgium that's insane) this soft serve banana and peanut butter ice cream hits the spot on all levels.

And a big plus, you don't even need fancy tools for it. Forget expensive ice cream makers, all a girl really needs is her blender.


2 frozen banana's, peeled and cut into small pieces (peel them before you freeze!)
A dash of soy or regular milk to help your blender move things around
Half a tablespoon of peanut butter

Way to do it:

  1. Combine all ingredients in the blender and blend to a thick, ice cream texture. If too dry, add a little more of milk. Because the banana's are so ripe, you don't need to add extra sweetener.
And it's just that simple. You can whip this up in under 5 minutes. This is a generous serve for one so just multiply the ingredient's if you want to let other people enjoy this delicious, low fat, summer treat.

Feel free to add extra ingredients but make sure the mixture doesn't get too liquid. Because it's a soft serve, the ice cream melts very quickly so eat right away.


    maandag 1 juli 2013

    Healthy Banana Oatmeal Cookies

    Cookies, again...I know. But these are so delicious and healthy, I need to share.

    I've been wanting to make oatmeal cookies for some time now, but after browsing the internet, I just couldn't find a recipe I liked...so I set shop in the kitchen and just went for it. It's amazing these worked out so well, because I just sort of winged it. And thank god for that because this recipe is amazing.

    My new favorite cookies...until the next batch of crazy improv baking comes along :D



    70 gr soft butter
    50 gr grated coconut (coconut flour, coconut flakes, it's all the same thing)
    1,5 tsp baking powder
    1 ripe banana
    2 tbsp red fruit jam
    1 tbsp liquid sweetener
    2 eggs
    70 gr buckwheat flour
    150 gr oatmeal

    Way to do it:

    1. Put the soft butter in a bowl and mix in the grated coconut. Add the buckwheat flour and baking powder.
    2. Add the eggs and mix well.
    3. Add the ripe banana and mash it. Then add the jam and the sweetener. You could choose to add more sweetener and omit the jam or the other way around, depending on which you prefer. I prefer to keep it as natural as possible to I went with more jam.
    4. Mix everything well until the batter becomes kind off fluffy and then fold in the oatmeal.
    5. Divide on a tray lined with baking paper and put in a preheated oven and bake at 170degrees C for about 12 minutes.

    6. While they are cooking, these babies will make your house smell amazing. The aroma of the baked banana is just...mmmm. You'll have husband and kids running for the kitchen.

      The cookies do have some fat because of the butter, but you've gotta give a little to get a lot! And in this case, it's taste. What's a little bit of butter when you get the healthy benefits of banana, oatmeal, coconut and buckwheat all in one bite? I'm telling you, keep this recipe in your favorites bar because you'll be making them a lot.
