About me

Mijn foto
I've changed my life around and now I am enjoying The Lighter Life. I love cooking and especially baking lovely desserts, but I wanna stay away from little no-no's like too much sugar and fat. I live in Belgium where the 'low-carb and low-fat movement' is just starting to begin so I found myself looking for recipes with easy to find ingredients and metric cooking measurements. Since they were hard to find, I decided to make my own! My desserts may never win beauty contests, for baking with bio ingredients will mostly give you flat cakes and pies. But lord will they win over your taste buds and still have you fitting into your skinny jeans. I invite you all to try out some recipes, adapt a couple where you see fit and above all, learn to enjoy the lovely taste of freshly baked, healthy goods.

vrijdag 1 november 2013

Coconut and Muscovado Sugar Cookies

Hi everyone.

The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer so I am finding myself in need of serious comfort food. Only problem is, comfort food is usually very high in fat and calories so a definite no-no when you are watching your figure and you want to eat healthy.

This recipe is not my lowest in calories because it does contain sugar and fat, but due to the right ingredients, it's still healthier than store-bought cookies and due to the easiness of the recipe, you can whip these up in under 15 minutes...and that's including cooking time!



100 gr muscovado sugar (donkerbruine basterdsuiker)
2 eggs
100 gr white flour
100 gr shredded coconut
2 tbsp soft coconut butter

Way to do it:

  1. Add the sugar to the eggs and beat until the mixture starts to lightly foams. About a minute should do it.
  2. Add the flour and shredded coconut. Mix again until combined.
  3. Add the coconut butter, cut into small pieces and use your mixer to break down the pieces. if some remain, no worries, they will melt in the oven.
  4. Line a baking tray with baking paper and design your cookies whichever way you want. You can just make one big cookie and then brake it into pieces, or you can use a spoon to make little scoops. Due to the coconut butter melting, the cookies will spread out substantially.
  5. Bake for 12 minutes at 200 degrees C.

I made about 11 big cookies with my mixture and I simply love them.

The Health Benefits
Substituting white sugar by dark brown unrefined sugar means you forgo the 'bad' sugar. Unrefined sugar has no chemicals injected into it and therefore it still contains some nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, & potassium. So you get the taste + a little extra your body can use.

When you choose coconut butter instead of normal butter, you get many benefits. Coconut can lower blood cholesterol, is full of lauric acid which kills bacteria and fatty acids boost brain functions. It's known as a superfood!

The same goes for the shredded coconut. It's high in fat, but high in the good fats, the ones your body does need.


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