About me

Mijn foto
I've changed my life around and now I am enjoying The Lighter Life. I love cooking and especially baking lovely desserts, but I wanna stay away from little no-no's like too much sugar and fat. I live in Belgium where the 'low-carb and low-fat movement' is just starting to begin so I found myself looking for recipes with easy to find ingredients and metric cooking measurements. Since they were hard to find, I decided to make my own! My desserts may never win beauty contests, for baking with bio ingredients will mostly give you flat cakes and pies. But lord will they win over your taste buds and still have you fitting into your skinny jeans. I invite you all to try out some recipes, adapt a couple where you see fit and above all, learn to enjoy the lovely taste of freshly baked, healthy goods.

vrijdag 22 februari 2013


Hi everyone,

Let's raise the glass on my very first blog entry....

oh wait...no

Since I'm low-carbing I can't really drink alcohol...Well, not a lot anyways :D

But, not to worry. I'm planning to pack this blog full of delicious treats for anyone looking to eat healthier on a strict low carb diet.

I hope you enjoy and see you all soon.

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